Marketing bez automatyzacji, czyli dlaczego firmy wciąż tracą klientów? / Marketing Without Automation – Why Companies Are Still Losing Customers

Firmy, które nie planują wdrażania narzędzi do automatyzacji marketingu, wkrótce zostaną w tyle za konkurencją. Dlaczego? Statystyki mówią jasno – przedsiębiorstwa coraz chętniej inwestują w Marketing Automation (MA), co widać po stałym wzroście wartości tego rynku. Tylko w 2025 roku aż 70% liderów marketingowych zamierza zwiększyć wydatki na MA .

People as the Key Element of Digital Transformation: How to Manage Cultural Change?

Digital transformation is not just about implementing new technological solutions. It is a fundamental change in how a company operates, encompassing all aspects—from business processes and organizational culture to work procedures and customer relationships. At the heart of this transformation are— as always— people, who ultimately determine the success or failure of the changes being introduced.

Technology vs. Humanity: How to Balance Automation with Empathy in Customer Relationships?

The rapid digital transformation is significantly changing the way companies serve customers. Thanks to artificial intelligence, process automation, and cloud solutions, interactions are faster, and customer experiences are more personalized. However, the implementation of new technologies can also raise concerns, such as a lack of understanding of customer emotions or limited ability to resolve unique issues.

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and How to Implement It?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a transformative technology that utilizes software robots, or digital bots, to automate repetitive tasks typically performed by humans. This innovative approach is increasingly adopted by organizations to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline business processes across various functions such as finance, marketing, accounting, and administration. On the other hand RPA is a tool used in business process automation procesess. Business Process Automation (BPA) is a strategy that automates complex and repetitive business processes to streamline day-to-day operations.

2025: Technological Revolution Changing The Rules Of Busines

When Gordon Moore predicted the exponential growth of computing power in 1975, few could imagine a world where artificial intelligence (AI) would make critical business decisions, and virtual teams would meet in digital spaces indistinguishable from reality.

Latest trends in web application development: overview for 2024

Web applications continue to evolve, offering increasingly advanced, secure, and user-centric solutions. The year 2024 is no exception, bringing a range of innovations aimed not only at enhancing functionality and performance but also at increasing accessibility and promoting sustainable development in the digital ecosystem.