Two-Day Recruitment for a Long-Standing Software Development Client

Our client’s primary mission is to create high-quality, user-friendly IT products using Agile methodologies. With the support of our experienced IT professionals, it can pursue this goal with greater freedom, knowing that, if necessary, we can quickly augment its team by covering any project roles or programming languages it is currently looking for with our IT talents at extremely short notice.
IT Specialists Available On Hand for a Software Development Company

Our client’s rapid growth in the software development sector is due to its innovation in developing customized front-end solutions, products and system integrations for enterprises spread across the globe. We have a stake in this development. Thanks to the outsourcing services provided by RITS Professional Services, our client can respond quickly to the increase in demand for top-notch IT professionals by selecting them from our constantly updated and expanding IT talent base.
Global Software Engineering and Digital Platform Provider Relies on Our IT Professionals

Since 2020, we have proudly supported our client, a digital platform and software engineering company, by providing them with a pool of IT professionals carefully selected by our recruiters as part of our staff augmentation service. Covering most of the programming languages and project roles with the talent gathered in our database is not a problem for us, and the cost efficiency that goes behind outsourcing IT professionals, and the time saved on recruitment processes, allows our client to focus solely on growing its business.